The Armorer Megacon 2009 Page

I went to Megacon in Orlando Florida to help the Barbarian sell boffer weapons. The pictures no longer surprise me... :)

click the thumbs for the bigger picture...

The Ultimate Samari Challenge Arena...
I recruited Britney to help with booth. We let her pose and play with the man killing beast of the sword we call the saw blade...

Somewhat random collection of competitors:

A Trio of gals lifted the spirits when I found out the booth didn't close until 7:00pm. Meet "Team Fanbabe"

One fabulous babe...

Random COS players. I'm not sure what the ancroym is; at the ren fest we would call them rennies
Smooth as Silk

Did I mention getting paid by swelling ego...

I found these two shots of me on myspace, someplace...

I welcome any request, comments, and advice. My address is:

The Armorer"

6 Mar 2009; Put together and uploaded the html

27 Feb - 1 Mar 2009; took the pictures